Imagine being asked to run a marathon…right now. Yet every day you and your team are expected to perform often arduous feats regardless of your level of health, well-being, and fitness. In fact, thousands of employees plod through the work day, tired and stressed, and never consider there is an alternative. Imagine, how much better you could do your job if you had a framework to perform at your best, emotionally, mentally, and physically.
Course Highlights
Engage your personal energy resource: you control it, you can improve it, you can share it.
Lead with ENERGY helps you build your awareness of what gives you energy and what drains your energy. With this knowledge comes the power to change.
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Course Objectives
In this workshop, you will learn strategies and techniques to improve employee health and resilience. This includes overcoming the frequent obstacles to reaching work and lifestyle goals, increasing personal energy levels, and fostering a higher level of engagement at work.
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Research-Based Curriculum
Drawing from compelling studies in neuroscience and behavior to cutting-edge research on wellness, this fascinating workshop includes activities and hands-on exercises designed to lay the foundation for a sustainable, healthy lifestyle. This course can impact employee health.
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Offered By the US Navy
Used by the U.S. Naval Air Command in their leadership programs, Lead With ENERGY is a powerful course for all leaders looking to harness motivation and manage stress. It is now available for
corporate teams ready to take their personal performance to the next level.
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