Month: September 2015

Setting the Stage for New Hires

Question: We are an accounting business with seven full-time employees, two of whom work from home. All our people have been with us over 5 years, and we are in the process of hiring several new employees to accommodate the growth in our local market. The current workload has us working 60-70 hours and it’s…
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12 Intriguing Leadership Reads

Here is a list of leadership books that we frequently turn to in preparing our work. Team of Rivals – Doris Kearns Goodwin A captivating story of leadership from the perspectives of three men Lincoln selected for his cabinet, all of whom were his opponents for the 1860 Republican nomination: Edward Bates, Salmon Chase, &…
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Do I Belong Here?

Are your employees asking themselves this question? If so, you hope they can identify why they work at your organization. You hope your people value their role beyond receiving a paycheck. The hard truth is hope is not a strategy. Hope is not a strategy. According to NASA lore, while touring the space center in…
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Is Inconsistency Chipping Away At Your Company’s Culture?

Remember how it felt when that kid on the playground kept changing the rules in a game of tag, and you had to be IT over and over again? Now jump forward several decades. Is everyone playing by the same rules at work? If organizational culture is defined as ‘how we do things here,’ are…
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