Tag: Productivity

The Secret to Employee Motivation

We want to share with you a great visual on employee motivation designed by Office Vibe. Give employees opportunity to grow and make a difference and you have a recipe for energized employee engagement. This infographic was crafted with love by Officevibe, the employee survey software that shows you how to motivate employees so that…
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Legend has it that during a visit to the NASA space center in 1962, President Kennedy noticed a janitor working across the room.  He interrupted his tour, walked over to the man and said, “Hi, I’m Jack Kennedy. What are you doing?” The janitor responded, “I’m helping put a man on the moon, Mr. President.”…
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Beating the Odds

With the first of the year came the annual calls to “be healthier” – lose a few unwanted pounds, exercise 20 minutes a day, or 60, three times a week, or six, eat more of this food and less of that food.  Whether or not you subscribe to New Year’s resolutions, I do agree that…
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